SAM Soft Shell Splint | Instructions & Training

We took the original SAM Splint further with even greater flexibility and strength. Our SAM Soft Shell Splint training videos and resources show you the versatility of this first aid essential. The splint’s curves provide better immobilization and support for fractures and sprains.

Our helpful training videos will teach you how to use a SAM Soft Shell Splint for many different injuries. Learn thumb spica application and how to apply an ulnar gutter splint.

Review our SAM Soft Shell Splint training materials to learn more about this innovative product, and start shopping for your supply now.


Sam Soft Shell Product Animation Final

Strength In Curves
SAM Soft Shell Instruction Guide

Sam Training Soft Shell Thumb 101317A

Thumb Spica | Application
SAM Soft Shell Instruction Guide

Sam Training Soft Shell Ul Nar 101317A

Ulnar Gutter | Application
SAM Soft Shell Instruction Guide

Sam Training Soft Shell Volar 101317A

Volar / Wrist | Application
SAM Soft Shell Instruction Guide